“28-year-old San Francisco native, Allie Taylor, at least thought she was human. But when she meets her first real seer, a race of human-like beings discovered in the 1900s, he tells her that not only is she a seer, like him, but that all the other seers believe she's going to end the world. Unfortunately, no matter what she does, everything that happens after that only seems to prove him right.”

Rook, Allie’s War: Book one by J C Andrijeski is an interesting tale.  Set in an alternate reality future, this is a world that has grown up with two species – humans and seers.  Seers have the ability to read minds among other things and their lives are strictly controlled by the government.  Allie is a not so ordinary waitress – currently wearing a tracking bracelet for violence committed against her ex boyfriends new partner.  She also has the uncanny ability to attract strange people, stalkers of all shapes and descriptions.

From working in the diner she is soon transported into a world of intrigue, action and violence.  The Seer world is completely different to what the majority of the human population has been lead to believe and even more shocking… she is one of them.

I started reading this book and soon found that I could not put it down.  The action is well written, the characters fairly unique in their personalities and the alternate world is portrayed in great detail.  It has been some time since I have been dragged into a tale so fully that all I want to do is keep reading.  A few downfalls for me though were the occasional long descriptions of the barrier and the alternate world of light.  I found myself almost skipping through these at times to get back into the story.  The very occasional word missing / grammatical issue made me pause in some points of the story but other than that it is a fantastic read. 

J C Andrijeski can be found at www.jcandrijeski.com and this book can be purchased from www.smashwords.com  A highly recommended story well worth the purchase!